A Day in the Life of EV Owners: The Convenience of Home Charging

Change is underway in driveways and garages throughout the UK as more and more homeowners embrace the future of motoring by installing domestic EV chargers — transforming how they power their daily journeys. And with almost 400,000 electric vehicles sold in the UK last year, this number is set to keep growing.

The convenience and environmental benefits are clear, making home charging an increasingly attractive option for EV owners — especially as the cost of a single charge can be as little as 10% of the cost of using public charge points. But what does a typical day look like for homeowners who have made the switch? To illustrate the impact, we’ve looked at a typical couple — both EV users — to see how having access to a domestic charger makes a world of difference to their everyday routines.

7:00 am: Rise and shine, fully charged

The alarm rings, and Sarah glances at the EV charging app on her phone. Like every morning it’s showing as 100% charged — which means no frantic dash to secure a spot at a public charger on the way to work. As she joins the morning traffic, she reflects on how environmentally friendly her daily commute has become.

It’s not only that her vehicle has zero emissions, but also that their home charger is linked to their recently installed solar panels, meaning her journey is entirely powered by the sun’s energy. Passing a busy petrol station, she reflects on how much they’ve saved on fuel costs as a family since switching to EVs and installing the home charger.

9:00 am: Working from home — powered by the car

Back at home, David is ready to spend a rainy morning indoors, working remotely. With Sarah’s car out of the driveway for the day, he connects his own EV — already fully charged using excess solar energy the previous day — to the domestic charger and activates their Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) system.

This allows his EV’s battery to power the family home, effectively turning their car into a mobile power source — and crucially, saving them money during the 10 am to 2 pm peak when grid tariffs are at their most expensive. He checks the energy flow on his phone app, seeing how the excess solar energy stored in the car’s battery is now powering his laptop, the lights, and even the kettle as he makes a mid-morning cup of tea.

It’s a feature which came in particularly handy during a recent power outage, allowing the family movie night to continue uninterrupted while many of their neighbours were searching their kitchen drawers for candles.

.1:00 pm: Still going strong and no need to queue

One perk of Sarah’s job is the free charge points provided for employees at her company — a policy introduced to encourage more sustainable transport options. While she appreciates the option, there are a limited number of chargers available, so her colleagues often have to take it in turns — using their break time to move their cars in and out of the allocated bays.

For Sarah, that’s rarely an issue — having a dedicated home charger means that with a full battery at the beginning of the day, she has more than enough range available for her two-way commute as well as any errands she needs to run after work. And with the government grant they received reducing the cost by £350, it has delivered exceptional value for money.

6:00 pm: Sharing the benefits with guest access

Once Sarah arrives home, David deactivates the V2H system, seamlessly switching the house back to grid power. Tonight, they have plans – a well-deserved date night at their favourite local restaurant. As their new babysitter, Anita, arrives, Sarah gives her a quick demonstration on how to use their home EV charger. Using the charger’s smartphone app, Sarah grants Anita temporary guest access, allowing her to charge her own electric vehicle while she watches their daughter — one of the fringe benefits of having a client with EV charging on the premises.

10:00 pm: Sleeping soundly, charging smartly

Having enjoyed their evening out, they return home. Before settling in for the night, Sarah plugs her car back into the home charger — now vacated by their guest — ready for another overnight charge. As they sleep, her EV quietly charges in the driveway, drawing power from the grid during the cheapest hours. The smart charger manages the charging process efficiently, ensuring the car is ready for another day of effortless driving.

Getting started with home EV charging

Sarah and David’s story showcases the transformative potential of home EV charging — a story echoed in homes across the country as more and more people discover the benefits of powering their electric vehicles from their own driveways. By combining EV charging with solar energy, they’re able to make even greater savings — and with a smart domestic charger, they can control everything from scheduling to guest access from their mobile devices.

If you’re interested in exploring home charging solutions and joining the growing number of UK homeowners embracing the future of electric mobility, speak to Humax today to discover the best option for your vehicle, home and usage patterns.

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